Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bioethanol around the WORLDS
Biofuel in Australia is available both as biodiesel and as ethanol fuel, which can be produced from sugarcane or grains. There are currently three commercial producers of fuel ethanol in Australia, all on the East Coast.
Legislation imposes a 10% cap on the concentration of fuel ethanol blends. Blends of 90% unleaded petrol and 10% fuel ethanol are commonly referred to as E10, which is available through service stations operating under the BP, Caltex, Shell and United brands as well as those of a number of smaller independents. Not surprisingly, E10 is most widely available closer to the sources of production in Queensland and New South Wales. The Australian Government has set a target for the sale of 350 million litres of E10 fuel each year by 2010.
Russian National Biofuels Association promotes renewable fuels in Russia — bioethanol & biodiesel. To achieve its goals the Association works with various government and non-government stakeholders in Russian and Former Soviet Union countries.
The Third International Congress «Biodiesel — 2008» will take place on November 26-27, 2008 in WTC Moscow.